Hello! This is the format for you to copy and paste and post your own thread with this filled out about you!
Have rank Experienced (48+ hours of playtime).
Updated your profile status at least twice.
Set an avatar (profile picture).
Posted at least one thread within the last 2 months.
Have 2 likes overall.
Have made a suggestion in Suggestions.
General Information:
Minecraft username:
Discord username & # (if applicable):
(This application may change at any time).
Have rank Experienced (48+ hours of playtime).
Updated your profile status at least twice.
Set an avatar (profile picture).
Posted at least one thread within the last 2 months.
Have 2 likes overall.
Have made a suggestion in Suggestions.
General Information:
Minecraft username:
Discord username & # (if applicable):
(This application may change at any time).